Sydney Flooring Experts

Sydney Microcement Flooring is popular

A flooring solution that is able to withstand high foot traffic, spills, and heavy wear and tear is typically required in commercial spaces such as retail stores, restaurants, and offices. Due to the fact that it is long-lasting, requires little upkeep, and can be designed in a variety of different ways, micro cement flooring has emerged as a popular option for use in commercial settings. In this article, we will discuss what micro cement flooring is, its benefits, and how Sydney Flooring Experts can assist you in finding the ideal commercial flooring solution for your company. Micro cement flooring was developed in the 1970s and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Sydney microcement flooring

What is Microcement Flooring?

Micro cement flooring is a decorative concrete made of cement, water, and a polymer-based additive that makes it more flexible and less prone to cracking than traditional cement. To create a seamless, smooth, and elegant finish, micro cement is applied in thin layers on top of an existing surface, such as concrete or tiles.

Benefits of Microcement Flooring


Micro cement flooring is extremely scratch-resistant, stain-proof, and can withstand high volumes of foot traffic without showing signs of wear. Because it requires little in the way of upkeep and can last for a considerable amount of time, it is an excellent choice for public areas.

Low Maintenance:

Low Maintenance: Because micro cement flooring needs so little upkeep, it is ideally suited for use in commercial environments where both time and resources are in short supply. Its sealed surface prevents dirt and grime from penetrating the surface, making it easy to clean with a neutral cleaner or a damp mop, and it requires no special maintenance.

Versatility in Design:

Micro cement flooring is available in a wide range of colors, textures, and finishes, allowing you to create a customized flooring solution that is in line with the aesthetic of your brand. This versatility in design allows micro cement flooring to be used in a variety of settings. It is also possible to use it to create intricate patterns and designs, which makes it a versatile option for companies that have specific requirements regarding their designs.

Applications of Microcement Flooring in Commercial Spaces

Retail Stores:

Micro cement flooring is a popular choice for retail stores due to its durability, low maintenance, and design versatility. It can be used to create a sleek and modern look, or a rustic and industrial feel, depending on the design needs of the store.

sydney microcement flooring


Micro cement flooring is an excellent choice for restaurants due to its resistance to spills, stains, and heavy traffic. It can also be customized to match the restaurant’s branding and design aesthetic, creating a seamless and inviting dining experience for customers.


Micro cement flooring is a practical and stylish choice for office spaces, providing a durable and low maintenance flooring solution that can withstand the daily wear and tear of office life. It can also be used to create a unique and modern design that reflects the brand’s values and culture.

How Sydney Flooring Experts Can Help

We specialize in providing commercial micro cement flooring solutions that are both durable and visually appealing at Sydney Flooring Experts. Our team of experts can assist you in selecting the best micro cement flooring option for your company’s needs and design preferences. We also provide expert installation services to ensure a smooth and long-lasting finish. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as one of Sydney’s most dependable flooring companies.

sydney microcement flooring

Finally, micro cement flooring is an excellent option for commercial spaces that require a long-lasting, low-maintenance flooring solution that can withstand heavy wear and tear. Micro cement flooring, with its design versatility and range of benefits, can transform any commercial space into a visually stunning and functional environment. Sydney Flooring Experts can assist you in achieving the ideal micro cement flooring solution for your business. To learn more, please contact us today.

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